How water, power, and other lifeline systems have performed in actual earthquakes, 1906 - 2002

San Francisco, M 7.9 1906. Impact of the 1906 earthquake on the Spring Valley Water Company. File size 8.5 MB. SF_1906.pdf

Bhuj, India, M 7.4 2001. Pump stations collapsed, elevated concrete tanks collapsed, many well failures. File size 0.8 MB. Bhuj_M7.4_2001.pdf

Loma Prieta, California M 6.9 1989, San Francisco 1906. How the City of Santa Clara and San Francisco water systems performed in 1906 and 1989. File size 0.8 MB. 1906-2006.pdf

Kobe, Japan M 6.9, 1995. Up to 1,700 pipe repairs just in Kobe. Many fires. File size 0.5 MB. Kobe M 6.9 1995.pdf

Izmit, Turkey, M 7.4 1999. The 87-inch Thames water pipeline leaked due to 3 meters of right lateral fault offset. File size 1.2 MB. Turkey M 7.4 1999.pdf

Napa, California M 5.2, 2000. Smallish earthquake damaged 23 water pipes. Rapid recovery. File size 0.3 MB. Wake up call for the 2014 Napa earthquake? NAPA_2000a.pdf

Peru, M 8.4 2001. Massive subduction Zone earthquake modestly damaged distant water systems and canals, tsunami. File size 1.3 MB. Peru_M8.4_2001.pdf

Denali, Alaska M 7.9 2002. The 48-inch Alyeska oil pipeline survived 14 feet of right lateral offset. Updated June 15 2005. File size 1.6 MB. Denali_M7.9.pdf

San Francisco, 1906. Damage to the SVWC Transmission Pipes. File size 2.0 MB. Transmission 1906.pdf

San Francisco, 1906, 1989. Damage to the SVWC Distribution Pipes and AWSS. File size 1.3 MB. Distribution 1906.pdf

History of the Water Works of San Francisco Water, Its Performance in the 1906 Earthquake and Aftermath. Rev 1, 2024. File size 33 MB. 1906 Water.pdf